Bedford Borough Survey

Dear Bedford Borough residents,

In May last year Conservatives took control of Bedford Borough Council and Tom Wootton was elected Mayor.

We would like to hear about what you think is going well in the Borough, and what can be improved.

And with Labour winning the Mid Bedfordshire by-election, we would like to know what we should prioritise to earn your support at the General Election.

By taking a few minutes to complete our survey, you'll help make sure we're fighting for the things that matter most to you and your family.

Together, let's make Bedford Borough an even better place to live. Thank you!


Bedford Survey

  • Current Local Priorities
  • National Priorities
  • About you and your views
  • Your details
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Universal Studios is planning a theme park in our ward that would inject millions into our economy and create thousands of jobs. Do you support this project?
Questions Not important Somewhat important Very important