
Political Supper

12th February 2015

A lively and informative evening was enjoyed at the February Political Supper, which was a complete sellout.Nadine Doriies MP spoke to the guests on a variety of current political issues, which were well received by one and all.Following that there was a lengthy question and answer time brought forward many interesting topics.The evening produced an acceptable profit for the Association.

Annual Dinner with Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP

28th November 2014

A fantastic evening was had by all guests who attended the Annual Dinner with guest speaker The Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP.The Association was delighted that Mr Pickles was able to make time in his busy ministerial schedule to speak at the Dinner.

MBCA Annual Dinner Guest Speaker The Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP

28th November 2014
7.30pm Eversholt Village Hall

The MBCA Annual Dinner 2014 is a unique and special event for invited guests to enjoy an intimate supper with a serving member of the Government's Cabinet in the elegant surroundings of Eversholt Village Hall,